Big Brother's Little Blog

Thursday, June 29, 2006

'Get Grace Out' was an entertaining angle, culminating with the shocking water-throwing incident at her eviction. For anyone doubting whether Grace was truly an arrogant, deluded, false, hypocritical, two-faced, spineless coward, I think your questions were answered. Pulling that stunt ten seconds before her eviction was the only way she could escape the backlash, while dropping her friends in it. Way to go, Grace - you've now proved you have no loyalty either. Is there one detestable human trait this woman doesn't have?

The reaction of the housemates was interesting on several counts: Lisa acted like an utter fool, saying no-one was even allowed to call Grace a bitch and jumping around like a maniac; Pete summed up how toally likeable he is, by refusing to hug Grace and standing back instead; Richard and Aisleyne again took the right side in the argument and outfought the Plastics in the ensuing debate (Richard's imitation of Lisa was easily his best moment so far). Mikey, though is the real interesting one. He showed how blindly pro-Grace he was by attempting to defend Grace's actions: however, he moved on the next day, acting normally with all of Grace's previous enemies, holding no grudges and even canoodling with Imogen by the end of the week. His teary-eyed stare at Grace's photo is now a distant memory, and the ghastly woman's presence no longer lives on in any prominent angle. That dubious honour now goes to Pete.

Poor Pete. Poor, poor Pete. First Lisa, the living, breathing, chain-smoking, chain-swearing epitome of repulsion, practically stalked him for two weeks, before literally dragging him out of someone else's bed. Then Nikki worked out that a relationship with the winner-in-waiting would help her popularity rise and, as shamelessly as ever, moved in. Now Aisleyne seems to have similar ideas. Lord knows where that came from, as she's had no memorable dialogue with him since her arrival. But Lea? After moaning, whinging and throwing around her 78VV breasts (or whatever size they are) for 5 weeks, she's now decided she has a thing for Pete as well. What a shock. Pete was naturally repulsed by this, but managed to politely reject her advances with some line about 'maternal feelings'. Lea's reaction? To turn on him, level a bunch of playground insults his way and say repeatedly, "It's over." What's over? Your freakish obsession to gain popularity that you can't sustain by false means? Or your pack of lies about your age, which has ranged from 35 to 38 to (my guess) your mid fifties. Please vote her out before I throw up Glyn-style.

Speaking of Glyn, was his rendition of the Arctic Monkeys the greatest Big Brother moment since George Galloway sauntered out the front door? And is it enough to overcome his ludicrous alliance with Team Plastic?

There's also a new house on the way, apparently. It never ceases to amaze me how these annexed houses are always revealed without anyone finding out. This one has a garden, for pity's sake. And the house is on a flightpath. How did no-one rumble them? Anyway, this is a good move for the show, as 5 new housemates will soon enter, and if just one has the impact of Eugene from last year (ie. to save the show from an entertainment implosion) then it's a good idea. A housemate of the Tickle/Ebuwa mould is required: someone to consistently entertain yet remain likeable. Nikki is the only one not to have cut a dull promo, and she's utterly contemptable once you examine her personality. Pete and Glyn are entertaining much of the time, but are always in danger of getting dragged into the mind-numbing Lea/Aisleyne/Imogen-centred bitching. We need a Jon, Victor or Eugene to guarantee entertaining shows for the next seven and a half (honest) weeks. The moment Eugene's promo video rolled last year - "I live near Gatwick, or as it should be renamed, Crawley International" I knew the show was saved.

Lisa or Aisleyne to the secret house? Who cares? If Nikki isn't going in, it's a waste of time, energy and resources. And the angle is a rehashed combination of BB5's secret bedsit and BB6's secret garden. Just keep Emma Greenwood out of there whatever you do.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The house has once again been shaken up, this time by the patented arrival of the 'Golden Housemate', Suzie. She seems to be an older, brunette version of Lea, only without the thoroughly unlikeable personality. And the incident with the whisk. It amazes me how people in the house turn on others so quickly - within hours of her arrival, Lea was badmouthing her to Grace, Imogen and the rest of the insecure lot. Then Lisa spoke in that Mancunian Gravel voice about how people were "a**e-licking" the new housemate. I don't know how many times I've heard that phrase in the house, and each time it becomes more tiresome. Memo to Grace, Lisa et al - it's called being friendly. Obviously an alien concept if you're up yourself, but novel nonetheless.

The 'standing still for nine hours' episode (an unbelievably poor version of last year's Box Task) exemplified Grace's insecure and increasingly irrational behaviour. As Richard, Aisleyne, Nikki and others sat outside she moaned, "Look at them all sitting on their beanies getting along - it's hilarious". Actually (and this may come as a shock), it's called...getting along. Still, at least 50% of her sentences make sense. Then she started whining incessantly about how she needed to win to avoid nomination. Glyn, always one to take a hint, offered to quit. "No, no, no, no!" Grace pleaded/ordered, "Don't you dare!" To top it all off, after agreeing to draw straws with Lisa, and promptly losing, she ran off in tears, rejecting poor Mikey's attempts to console her and protesting, "Why are you being like this?" On that evidence, she could almost have been talking to herself.

Getting Along: Richard

And the ultimate irony is, her imminent eviction spells disaster for the show. Pete and Glyn are nice guys and entertaining characters, Nikki - well, she's an entertaining character. But that alone can't carry the remaining TEN weeks of the show (yes, there are really ten weeks to go). The show needs Nikki to stay, yet it also needs Grace. The dramatic image of the housemates standing stunned as the "Get Grace Out" chants drifted over the wall was a great moment, but it came at least two months too early. The nomination process this week has been a screwjob, as Grace would otherwise have escaped eviction due to her constant back-stabbing (the very back-stabbing she complains about) and getting each housemate on her side. She's Nasty Nick without the paper and pencils. But the most dramatic angle of BB1 ended when Batemen was bundled out the back door, sparing him the lynch mob. If voting goes as expected, Grace will be out by Friday and the only long-running angle will be gone. She may walk out before then, denying us her hilarious eviction. Pete, Glyn and Nikki have no interesting angles lined up, unless Lisa (a revolting liar, as evidence by her treatment of Sam) heads into a jealous feud with Nikki over Pete. They've run through so much in three weeks that it can surely only do downhill after Grace's inevitable downfall. There are apparently no new housemates ready to enter, so we may be stuck with Lea's tiresome moaning, Lisa's tiresome swearing and Nikki's ludicrous facade, which luckily hasn't grown tiresome. Yet. Pete and Glyn will be the only two people to save the show for the next TEN (10) weeks. It they and Nikki are edited into obscurity for boring romance storylines involving the likes of Mikey and Imogen, then the 60-minute nightly show is in trouble. And Endemol only have themselves to blame - the same people who gave us he genius of 'Deal Or No Deal' can't even see that a 13 week show will drag long before the final night.

We'll be longing for the days of Sezer. Heck, we'll be longing for Shabaz.