Show's over.
Nikki's departure leaves the house castrated of entertainment, it's as simple as that. The producers have dug their own grave, YET AGAIN, by messing with the formula to a ludicrous degree. Was the 11-person nomination fair punishment for Jayne's inability to shut her gob? No. So why do it? The end result is that the No.1 entertainer in the house, the centre of the main angles and one of only three genuine characters (her, Pete and Glyn) left, has been bundled out the front door five weeks early. Not that she didn't milk the occasion, of course - one paper wittily wrote that she looked ready to burst into a rendition of, "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" as she stood there. The rapturous reception made it feel like the final night, and her exit leaves the house devoid of any real showmanship. Pete is always getting stalked by someone - at the moment, Aisleyne seems to fit the bill - and Glyn only comes to life on certain days. His porridge-induced frustration was comedy gold last night, and if the fickle voting public get fed up of Pete 'because his Tourettes is annoying', then Glyn will be the only remaining candidate for victory.
But Jayne is simply revolting. A walking, burping tutorial on how to repulse your fellow housemates and four million viewers. Seriously, why is she in there? Do you think people sit at home at 8:55 every night saying, "Oh! Change the channel! Jayne's coming on!"? The woman is rude, vile, arrogant and malicious. There is the small possibility of a Jayne vs. Aisleyne feud based on Nikki's departure, but I'm not sure I'd even want to see that. The wannabe ghetto girl has managed to fall with just about every housemate, then claim, "I don't know why you're intimidated by me, I've got nothing against you." She has been the common denominator in most of the arguments recently, and although Jayne, Lea and Nikki are spiteful and self-obsessed, Aisleyne does herself no favours by seeking trouble with them. She also does herself no favours by hanging on to Pete - don't you realise that gimmick has been done to death? Know yourself, as you would say.
Spiral, meanwhile, has completely lost the plot. Reacting the way he did to the walking task was heinous, and showed a complete lack of respect for the other housemates. Jennie and co were simply trying to comfort Glyn after his disgusting "prize" of liquified chips and peas, and "Spoiral" suddenly laid into them like they were the Devil's sidekicks. Or Marco Materazzi. A word in your shell-like, mate - you'll be out of that house quicker than Shabaz's integrity if you get nominated this week. So think on.
And after all of that, there are still people who have a problem with Pete winning. Why? Almost everyone else, as listed above, is a repugnant human being, and the show is beginning to plumb BB6-type depths with its concoction of depraved, mentally insecure freaks. At least in Series 5 they were entertaining. I know there's an argument for Glyn winning, but he wouldn't stand much chance of securing fame and fortune outside the house, even as winner. The guy has made it patently obvious he just wants to go back to his village in North Wales and "marry a nice Welsh girl". So give the title to Pete, the ONLY other housemate this year who deserves it. And watch the joyous scenes as he leaves the house, surrounded by fireworks, as just about the only one with any self-respect left. Just don't let him on Saturday morning TV without a bleep machine. Although I must admit, his swearing during the class exam this week was quite funny. Unlike Jayne's burping. if anyone finds that humorous they should be sanctioned in the same institute as Nikki inevitably will be.
Tip for Eviction this week: Spoiral. Can you believe there are still FIVE weeks left of this?
Nikki's departure leaves the house castrated of entertainment, it's as simple as that. The producers have dug their own grave, YET AGAIN, by messing with the formula to a ludicrous degree. Was the 11-person nomination fair punishment for Jayne's inability to shut her gob? No. So why do it? The end result is that the No.1 entertainer in the house, the centre of the main angles and one of only three genuine characters (her, Pete and Glyn) left, has been bundled out the front door five weeks early. Not that she didn't milk the occasion, of course - one paper wittily wrote that she looked ready to burst into a rendition of, "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" as she stood there. The rapturous reception made it feel like the final night, and her exit leaves the house devoid of any real showmanship. Pete is always getting stalked by someone - at the moment, Aisleyne seems to fit the bill - and Glyn only comes to life on certain days. His porridge-induced frustration was comedy gold last night, and if the fickle voting public get fed up of Pete 'because his Tourettes is annoying', then Glyn will be the only remaining candidate for victory.
But Jayne is simply revolting. A walking, burping tutorial on how to repulse your fellow housemates and four million viewers. Seriously, why is she in there? Do you think people sit at home at 8:55 every night saying, "Oh! Change the channel! Jayne's coming on!"? The woman is rude, vile, arrogant and malicious. There is the small possibility of a Jayne vs. Aisleyne feud based on Nikki's departure, but I'm not sure I'd even want to see that. The wannabe ghetto girl has managed to fall with just about every housemate, then claim, "I don't know why you're intimidated by me, I've got nothing against you." She has been the common denominator in most of the arguments recently, and although Jayne, Lea and Nikki are spiteful and self-obsessed, Aisleyne does herself no favours by seeking trouble with them. She also does herself no favours by hanging on to Pete - don't you realise that gimmick has been done to death? Know yourself, as you would say.
Spiral, meanwhile, has completely lost the plot. Reacting the way he did to the walking task was heinous, and showed a complete lack of respect for the other housemates. Jennie and co were simply trying to comfort Glyn after his disgusting "prize" of liquified chips and peas, and "Spoiral" suddenly laid into them like they were the Devil's sidekicks. Or Marco Materazzi. A word in your shell-like, mate - you'll be out of that house quicker than Shabaz's integrity if you get nominated this week. So think on.
And after all of that, there are still people who have a problem with Pete winning. Why? Almost everyone else, as listed above, is a repugnant human being, and the show is beginning to plumb BB6-type depths with its concoction of depraved, mentally insecure freaks. At least in Series 5 they were entertaining. I know there's an argument for Glyn winning, but he wouldn't stand much chance of securing fame and fortune outside the house, even as winner. The guy has made it patently obvious he just wants to go back to his village in North Wales and "marry a nice Welsh girl". So give the title to Pete, the ONLY other housemate this year who deserves it. And watch the joyous scenes as he leaves the house, surrounded by fireworks, as just about the only one with any self-respect left. Just don't let him on Saturday morning TV without a bleep machine. Although I must admit, his swearing during the class exam this week was quite funny. Unlike Jayne's burping. if anyone finds that humorous they should be sanctioned in the same institute as Nikki inevitably will be.
Tip for Eviction this week: Spoiral. Can you believe there are still FIVE weeks left of this?
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