From out of nowhere, the show has seemingly been saved. Firstly, the heinous Jayne was evicted (and about time) last Friday. Quite how she was let in there is a mystery, but how the housemates didn't brutally turn on her is beyond me. I found her utterly repulsive on all levels - between screwing up every task, ensuring EVERY other housemate was nominated (and Nikki was evicted five weeks early), trying to create her own angle with Aisleyne for no reason and burping like there's no tomorrow. Literally, now she's gone. I can't say I'll miss her, and I can't say the house has been lacking in entertainment now she's gone.
Step forward Pete, Glyn and Spiral. The only three remotely entertaining housemates left, after the premature downfalls of Shabaz (yes, that was really THIS series) and Nikki. I can honestly say that no-one else has delivered this year, except Sezer and Grace, who did so in accidental and detestable ways. For weeks now, Pete and Glyn have been the only two potential winners, and luckily the voting public (as well as the bookies) have seen sense. It now seems destined that the final night will come down to a battle between those two. Similar to Anthony vs. Eugene last year, they're the only two nice people left, but both provide the entertainment that Anthony severely lacked. Spiral is also humorous to watch, due to his unreciprocated lust for Aisleyne, cringeworthy comedy raps and general promo ability.
The big change, however, has been the booking. For nine weeks the housemates wandered around the same old house, and were fed the same old mediocre tasks (let's be honest, this year's were perhaps the worst ever). In one single episode, the show has been turned on its head by the prison task. The secret house has been transformed into a jail, the inmates have a special luxury room unbeknownst to the others, and at the end of it all is a clever double eviction. The double act of Pete and Glyn were hilarious throughout the episode, whether it was peeling onions, dancing in front of the mirrors or serving each other drinks in the garden. Spiral's facial expressions are comedy gold as well. The whole week has been a success already - the 'best friends' task provided fresh and interesting new episodes, Michael and Spiral were uncovered as Deal Or No Deal fans (rightly so) and Glyn gets to cut Diary Room promos about the whole thing. Now all we need is Imogen and Suzie to go on Friday, and the boredom will have eroded away. We can look forward to a final three weeks that might, just might, drag BB7 into the territory occupied by classics like Series' 5, 1 and possibly 3. On the other hand, if Pete or Spiral goes, consider yourself screwed.

Raps: Spiral
Tip for eviction this week - Imogen and Suzie. The voting is to save housemates this time, possibly a ploy to save Pete from anti-Richard fans. I don't really care, as long as Imogen goes. After confessing, "I'm not really an entertainer", it should have been curtains for her. Heck, Suzie does more of interest i.e. her angle with Spiral the other night. Just don't vote to save them, and everything will be alright.
Step forward Pete, Glyn and Spiral. The only three remotely entertaining housemates left, after the premature downfalls of Shabaz (yes, that was really THIS series) and Nikki. I can honestly say that no-one else has delivered this year, except Sezer and Grace, who did so in accidental and detestable ways. For weeks now, Pete and Glyn have been the only two potential winners, and luckily the voting public (as well as the bookies) have seen sense. It now seems destined that the final night will come down to a battle between those two. Similar to Anthony vs. Eugene last year, they're the only two nice people left, but both provide the entertainment that Anthony severely lacked. Spiral is also humorous to watch, due to his unreciprocated lust for Aisleyne, cringeworthy comedy raps and general promo ability.
The big change, however, has been the booking. For nine weeks the housemates wandered around the same old house, and were fed the same old mediocre tasks (let's be honest, this year's were perhaps the worst ever). In one single episode, the show has been turned on its head by the prison task. The secret house has been transformed into a jail, the inmates have a special luxury room unbeknownst to the others, and at the end of it all is a clever double eviction. The double act of Pete and Glyn were hilarious throughout the episode, whether it was peeling onions, dancing in front of the mirrors or serving each other drinks in the garden. Spiral's facial expressions are comedy gold as well. The whole week has been a success already - the 'best friends' task provided fresh and interesting new episodes, Michael and Spiral were uncovered as Deal Or No Deal fans (rightly so) and Glyn gets to cut Diary Room promos about the whole thing. Now all we need is Imogen and Suzie to go on Friday, and the boredom will have eroded away. We can look forward to a final three weeks that might, just might, drag BB7 into the territory occupied by classics like Series' 5, 1 and possibly 3. On the other hand, if Pete or Spiral goes, consider yourself screwed.

Raps: Spiral
Tip for eviction this week - Imogen and Suzie. The voting is to save housemates this time, possibly a ploy to save Pete from anti-Richard fans. I don't really care, as long as Imogen goes. After confessing, "I'm not really an entertainer", it should have been curtains for her. Heck, Suzie does more of interest i.e. her angle with Spiral the other night. Just don't vote to save them, and everything will be alright.
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