Big Brother's Little Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Shabaz has gone. This is terrible news.

For five days (and in a way it felt like five weeks) he WAS Big Brother 7. Every scene featured him. Every argument was caused by him. Virtually every moment of entertainment had something to do with him. Yes, he would be insufferable to live in the same house as, but that's not the point. All the drama and talking points of BB7, other than the surreal Diary Room promos from Nikki and Pete's comedic actions, have involved Shabaz.

Having said that, the man was unhinged. Rumour has it he was talking of suicide in the house, so leaving was probably best for everyone. Once the group had ganged up on him a la Jodie Marsh (but with a little more explanation than last time), his time was up. In addition, his departure paves the way for real alliances to form within the house. Up until now, it's been 'Shabaz vs. the Rest of the World', with Pete flitting between both camps. Now he's gone, their united front will slip within days, and groups will form like in previous years. I predict the young chavs/clubbers to form a distinctive group, with Imogen, Sezer, Grace, George, Mikey and Nikki among them. The older housemates like Richard and Lea will all pretend they're more mature and form an 'adult' group. George and Sezer have already speculated over this possibility in the kind of late-night analysis made famous (and performed more humorously) by the likes of Victor and Jason.

Dawn has also walked, rather bizarrely. I'd like to pretend I knew why, but I was totally bemused by tonight's show. One minute she was receiving news that her sister was ill, the next she was walking around with a code on her hand and being warned by Big Brother. The whole thing went over my head unfortunately. But in any event, she's gone, apparently to make way for two ex-housemates to arrive for the next week. If Tickle, Victor or Eugene aren't among the pair, then Channel 4 are doing the British public a disservice.

But the show badly misses Shabaz. The house needs him like a hole in the head, but the show will miss him. Monday's episode was surely one of the greatest BB's in history, ending with his confiscation of the housemates' food. The final scene was TV gold as he muttered that the house would blame Big Brother for the food disappearance, then said savagely, "We'll see how long I'm sent to Coventry for now." He probably reached his peak as an entertaining character on Monday, as he just became a pain the next night. Living within 5 miles of him would be absolutely unbearable, but he was a great reality TV character. Having said that, you could class Nadia and Jade as successful BB contestants, and that's hardly a ringing endorsement.

Tip for Eviction: Bono. The U2 lead singer has been very disappointing, and has shown none of the charisma and leadership which spearheaded the Make Poverty History campaign. That voice just annoys me - I don't know if it's the Leicester accent or not, but it ain't half difficult to understand.


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