Only two weeks in (although it feels like two months with everything that's happened) and the dynamic of the house has changed more than Geri Halliwell's dietary requirements. Shabaz walked, Dawn was ejected whilst trying to walk, Bonnie was evicted, Sam and Aisleyne entered, George walked and this Friday Sezer was evicted. In the history of Big Brother, there has probably never been a contestant with such misplaced arrogance as Sezer. There's no doubting his value to the house as a source of entertainment, but people have pointed out that the look on his face more than compensated for the 11 weeks he'll be gone. They were saying it before he even went, and true enough, his face was a picture. He genuinely believed he had no chance of going, due to a combination of factors. Namely,
(a) He spectactularly miscalculated the voting habits of the public.
(b) He publicly announced this flawed sense of security ("they'll never vote me out over a girl"), making the voters even more likely to throw it back in his face.
(c) He thought 'Team Plastics' would be preferred to their opposition of Richard, Lea, Lisa and Pete.
(d) He's up himself.
All of this resulted in the astounding 91.6% vote haul, even more astonishing when you remember it was a Triple Threat vote. The heat during his exit was comparable to that of George Galloway's eviction, which is really saying something. While his theory on the votes may have some truth (women are often voted out for little apparent reason, and the final night is usually top-heavy with men), the stupidest possible thing to do was to announce his safety to the voting public itself. Whenever anyone gets a bit shirty (see Victor, Ahmed, Saskia, Maxwell, Tim Cully et al) the public votes them out immediately. Ignoring the entertainment value of the respective housemates, they seem to vote out anyone who develops an opinion. If Sezer had lasted the 13 weeks he could have amassed a high number of votes (although it's difficult to see anyone reaching Pete's popularity, and rightly so), but I guess we'll never know.
If Pete is now backing Lea, does that make Lea a babyface? And how are the crowd going to treat her when she eventually goes?
I saw the legendary charisma machine (ahem) known as Ray Shah on BBLB, claiming that he'd won a Golden Ticket and burying Victor Ebuwa. What a moron.
The question is, what happens to the house now? People are speculating that the show will die without Sezer, but they said that when Shabaz left. Fact is, there are enough bullies (or enough of a bullying culture) to ensure that friction will continue long into the next 11 weeks. Bullying draws - a sad but true fact. Grace has clearly had the proverbial wind knocked from her sails, Aisleyne and Sam are growing unpopular with 'Team Plastic' and Imogen is looking lost post-Sezer. And Glyn is still singing. In other words, the show is safe for the time being.

(a) He spectactularly miscalculated the voting habits of the public.
(b) He publicly announced this flawed sense of security ("they'll never vote me out over a girl"), making the voters even more likely to throw it back in his face.
(c) He thought 'Team Plastics' would be preferred to their opposition of Richard, Lea, Lisa and Pete.
(d) He's up himself.
All of this resulted in the astounding 91.6% vote haul, even more astonishing when you remember it was a Triple Threat vote. The heat during his exit was comparable to that of George Galloway's eviction, which is really saying something. While his theory on the votes may have some truth (women are often voted out for little apparent reason, and the final night is usually top-heavy with men), the stupidest possible thing to do was to announce his safety to the voting public itself. Whenever anyone gets a bit shirty (see Victor, Ahmed, Saskia, Maxwell, Tim Cully et al) the public votes them out immediately. Ignoring the entertainment value of the respective housemates, they seem to vote out anyone who develops an opinion. If Sezer had lasted the 13 weeks he could have amassed a high number of votes (although it's difficult to see anyone reaching Pete's popularity, and rightly so), but I guess we'll never know.
If Pete is now backing Lea, does that make Lea a babyface? And how are the crowd going to treat her when she eventually goes?
I saw the legendary charisma machine (ahem) known as Ray Shah on BBLB, claiming that he'd won a Golden Ticket and burying Victor Ebuwa. What a moron.
The question is, what happens to the house now? People are speculating that the show will die without Sezer, but they said that when Shabaz left. Fact is, there are enough bullies (or enough of a bullying culture) to ensure that friction will continue long into the next 11 weeks. Bullying draws - a sad but true fact. Grace has clearly had the proverbial wind knocked from her sails, Aisleyne and Sam are growing unpopular with 'Team Plastic' and Imogen is looking lost post-Sezer. And Glyn is still singing. In other words, the show is safe for the time being.
